Other Bomfords
Census Records, Oliver Bomford, New York
Based on facsimile records from Ancestry.com.
15 April 1910
- Albert Bumford was living at Brooklyn Ward 12, Kings, New York, age 25
- Rose, age 23, b New York of parents b in New York, wife
- Agustave, age 3, b New York
- William, age 1y 6m, b New York
- James St John, age 27
- William St John, age 21
Census 7 January 1920
Enumeration District 160, sheet 8.
Oliver and family were living at 19 Centre (possibly Gentre) Street, Brooklyn, New York City, Kings County, New York State. Part of Bush Street, where his father was living, is recorded on the same census sheet.
All adults in the family could read and write, and everyone was born in New York.
- Bomford Oliver, age 34, foreman in a carpet factory, working for wages
- Rose, age 33, born of parents born in New York
- Augustus, age 13, at school
- William, age 11, at school
- Katherine, age 9, at school (described as 'wife' but also as single)
- Oliver [Jr], age 4, not at school
- St John, James, brother of Rose, age 37, laborer, saw dust.
Census 2 April 1930
Enumeration District 24-979. May be indexed as Bornfort.
Oliver had moved into his parents' house at 67 Bush Street, 3 Assembly District, part Tract 85, Brooklyn Borough, Kings County, New York State. The house was owned and worth $4,000. The family owned a radio set.
- Bomfort Oliver, age 45, first married at age 24, can read and write, foreman in a carpet company
- Rose, wife, age 43, first married at age 22, can read and write
- Augusta, son, age 23, single, unemployed
- William, age 21, single, clerk at a stock exchange
- Catherine, age 19, single, unemployed
- Oliver Jr, age 14, at school, can read and write
- Agnes, age 9, at school
- Theresa, age 3 (with 10/12 crossed out)
- St John James, brother, age 46, single, can read and write, unemployed
From these records:
- Oliver was born between 8 January and 2 April 1885, and married Rose in 1909.
- Rose was born between 3 April 1886 and 7 January 1887, and married Oliver in 1909.
- Augustus was born between 3 April 1906 and 7 January 1907
- William was born between 3 April 1908 and 7 January 1909
- Katherine was born between 3 April 1910 and 7 January 1911
- Oliver Jr was born between 3 April 1915 and 7 January 1916
- Agnes was born between 3 April 1920 and 2 April 1921
- Theresa was born between 3 April 1926 and 2 April 1927, probably in January 1927
- James St John was born between 8 January and 2 April 1884.